Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Removing autorun.inf folder and recycle used CMD

This time I will give you tips on how to remove autorun.inf folder and recycle.

after searching on google ... I finally found a way to delete these two folders ..

let's get started ....

The first step
press windows button + R on the keyboard

then typing CMD, it will display a picture like this:


if your computer does not make use of facilities RUN then please looking for a command prompt, follow these steps: Click START select all programs asseccories then locate and select the command prompt.

After active command prompt window and then go to the next step ....

The second step
note the following steps:
RD / S / Q \ \.\ Name Drive \ folder name
This command will be used to remove the second folder

for example, type the following command:
RD / S / Q \ \.\ F:\autorun.inf

then existing autorun.inf folder on the drive (F) automatically will be deleted ..

so a few tips to remove the autorun folder and the recycle ...

Thanks for all blogger users of Indonesia for the information

semoga tips ini bermanfaat.... selamat mencobanya......

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